Free event: War & Conscience, 1914/18: Marking the Centenary of Conscription
On 03, Feb 2016 | In Events, WW1 Projects | By Nicola Gauld
Free event organised by ‘Quakers & the First World War: Lives & Legacies’ – Registration Required
‘War & Conscience, 1914/18: Marking the Centenary of Conscription’
2-4pm, 27 February 2016
AV Room, The Gas Hall, Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery,
Chamberlain Square, B3 3DH
The ‘War & Conscience’ history afternoon marks the centenary of conscription. The first Military Service Act compelled ‘eligible’ men to join the armed forces; those who wished to apply for exemption had to do so before 2 March 1916. The legislation was a landmark in the First World War for millions. For Quakers and many others, conscription went against their conscience and their religious, political and personal beliefs. For everyone caught up in state compulsion, it changed the course of their life. Three talks will explore conscription and the impact it had on communities – with particular focus on the experiences of local people and Quakers from the Midlands – and there will be chance to hear more about the ‘Quakers & the First World War: Lives & Legacies’ project and opportunities to get involved.
Our main speaker is Cyril Pearce (University of Leeds), ‘Uncovering resistance: New thoughts on British war resisters 1914-1918’. The paper draws on Cyril Pearce’s extensive research, which has built out from his Huddersfield-based study and 2001 book Comrades in Conscience. Since then, he has compiled a national database of over 16,000 war resisters. The Pearce Register of British Conscientious Objectors, has been incorporated in the Imperial War Museum’s ‘Lives of the First World War’ digital platform. A new book, based on the Register, and with the title Communities of Resistance, is planned for 2016.
Dr Rebecca Wynter (University of Birmingham), ‘Care and Conscience: The Friends’ Ambulance Unit and Conscription’
Dr Sian Roberts (University of Birmingham and University of Worcester), ‘Conscience and consequence: local responses to conscription among Birmingham Quakers’
While this is a free event, registration is required. There are limited places, and it is advisable to book early. To do so, visit our Eventbrite page