On This Day
On This Day, 14 April 1916
On 14, Apr 2016 | In On This Day | By Nicola Gauld
Birmingham Daily Post
Friday 14 April 1916
At a meeting of Public Works Committee of the Birmingham City Council, held yesterday, under the presidency of Councillor Talbot, the question of engaging women to carry out the lighter forms of street cleansing was considered. The subject was bought forward owing to the serious depletion of the staff of workmen, in consequence of the war, and particulars were submitted showing that women were employed in that class work at Liverpool, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and Chester, and that in each case the experiment had proved satisfactory. After some discussion the committee came to the conclusion that at the present time there was no necessity in Birmingham to engage women for the purpose suggested, and therefore no action was taken in the matter.