On This Day
On This Day, 23 June 1916
On 23, Jun 2016 | In On This Day | By Nicola Gauld
Birmingham Mail
Friday 23 June
Present appearances do not point to there being any marked changes in the prices of commodities this week. Meat is selling retail at practically the same rates as it did a week ago, and there is little alteration in the price of fish as a whole, though salmon is a trifle cheaper.
There is a fair supply of poultry, and the demand is good, especially for chickens and ducklings.
Prices for fruit continue to be firm, owing to the variable supply. Excellent Southampton strawberries, for which prices asked range from 10d. to 1s. 4d. per lb., are a feature on the fruit stalls. Bananas are scarce, and are selling at 1s. 3d. a dozen; but apples are plentiful, and can be bought at 4d. and 6d. per lb. Oranges are 1s. 3d. a dozen.
There is a marked shortage of potatoes just now, owing to the stoppage of some of the supplies, and prices naturally show a tendency to harden. Garden peas are 3d. and 4d. per lb. Salads are fairly plentiful and cheap.