On This Day
On This Day, 15 August 1916
On 15, Aug 2016 | In On This Day | By Nicola Gauld
Birmingham Mail
Tuesday 15 August 1916
Before the Stipendiary at Birmingham Police Court to-day, Ernest Hillman (25), dental mechanic, 4 Twyning Road, King’s Norton, was charged with being an absentee under the Military Service Act. Hillman should have reported on the 20th last month, and when asked by Detective Write why he failed to do so, replied “It is against my conscience to take part in this war. I do not intend to come; I will do nothing to assist the military authority.”
He was fined 40s. and committed to await an escort. Defendant said he wished to thank the detective for his courteous behaviour.
Arthur Cornelius Tonks (22), 56, Antrobus Road, Handsworth, appeared before the magistrates at the Second Court of Birmingham Police to-day as an absentee under the Military Service Act.
Detective Daniel stated that when arrested at his home yesterday morning prisoner said: “I do not intend to do any military service.” Prisoner had been before the tribunal and had been passed for non-combatant service.
Tonks repeated his objections before the magistrates, and upon being fined 40s and committed to await an escort said: “I shall refuse to pay the fine. I am a conscientious objector.”