On This Day
On This Day, 1 September 1916
On 01, Sep 2016 | In On This Day | By Nicola Gauld
Birmingham Daily Post
Friday 1 September 1916
In the Second Court of the Birmingham Local Tribunal, yesterday, Miss Bartleet presiding, a Socialist (aged thirty-three) applied for exemption on the ground on conscientious objection to all warfare. He said he was a member of the Socialist Party of Great Britain, the only Socialist organisation in the country.
Miss Bartleet: Everybody would not agree with that.
Applicant replied that the reason he made the statement was because his organisation had stood the test during the present crisis.
Miss Bartleet: Do you object to all war?
Applicant: I object to all wars which are fought in the interests of the master classes.
Later on applicant said he had no objection to fighting in the interest of the class to which he belonged.
The application was refused.
Another conscientious objector, when questioned, said he really thought at times he could take part in war. He would like to shoot Carson, for instance, and those who put up food prices. As he had applied on the ground of conscientious objection his appeal was dismissed. He wished to read a lengthy statement, but on being told he could appeal he reserved it for the country.