On This Day
On This Day, 1 September 1916
On 01, Sep 2016 | In On This Day | By Nicola Gauld
Birmingham Daily Post
Friday 1 September 1916
£3 A WEEK BOY OF 16.
A youth of sixteen appeared before the Birmingham Munitions Tribunal yesterday and applied for a leaving certificate on the ground of the unsuitability of the work. He produced doctors’ certificates in support of his application. A representative of the firm said though only sixteen, the lad had earned as much as £3 a week at piece work. His work had been changed, and at present his wages were about 25s. Until this change they had not heard anything about the effect the work on his health.
“Would more money cure your catarrh? asked the representative.
Applicant: Less money might, if the work suited me.
The case was adjourned for the applicant to before the medical referee.
In another case a man of 25, who applied for a leaving certificate, gave one of his reasons that it took him two hours to travel to and from his work. Professor Tillyard asked if an increase in wages would influence applicant in remaining at his old job.
Applicant: It would make it more attractive.
The case was adjourned till September 11, the Chairman observing, “You may get your rise, and then perhaps you will be able buy bicycle.” (Laughter.)