On This Day
On This Day, 2 September 1916
On 02, Sep 2016 | In On This Day | By Nicola Gauld
Gloucestershire Chronicle
Saturday 2 September 1916
The police authorities in Birmingham have no intention of allowing evasion on the part of those liable for military service if it is within their power to prevent it, and a campaign somewhat similar to that which took place at Liverpool and Llandudno last week has commenced. At these two places, steps were taken to ascertain whether men apparently of military age were in possession of documents properly exempting them from service. Men who had not got the necessary papers upon them were, at Liverpool, required to report themselves to the military authorities, or otherwise they would be liable to be treated as absentees. At Llandudno, however, persons without their papers had to accompany the constables to the police station and wait whilst their cases were investigated.
A systematic examination on something like similar lines has already been commenced in Birmingham. Various hotels in the city were visited by the police, and an examination was made of the register, which it is now incumbent upon all hotel-keepers to make of persons staying upon the premises, with a view to ascertaining whether individuals of military age were in possession of the necessary exemption credentials.