On This Day
On This Day, 11 September 1916
On 11, Sep 2016 | In On This Day | By Nicola Gauld
Birmingham Mail
Monday 11 September 1916
One of Birmingham’s honoured heroes, Sergt. C. Steane, Royal Warwickshire Regt., whose parents live at 73, Bromsgrove Street, has been killed in action. He was awarded the Military Medal for the conspicuously gallant manner in which he held a barricade in a captured enemy trench against repeated attacks on July 16th, during which attacks many of his men were killed or wounded. He lost his life on August 24th. Sergt. Steane, who was barely 23 years of age, formerly belonged to the local Territorials, and left Thorp Street Barracks on August 6th, 1914. His brother William is a prisoner of war in Germany.