Event: University of Birmingham Great War Centenary Lectures
On 09, Dec 2016 | In Events | By Nicola Gauld
University of Birmingham Great War Centenary Lectures
Fourth Series
A prestigious series of lectures to commemorate the anniversary of the First World War, presented by the Centre for War Studies, Department of History, University of Birmingham
Tuesday 21 February
Professor Mark Harrison, Director of the Wellcome Unit for the History of Medicine, University of Oxford: ‘War, Epidemics and Empire: British Military Medicine in the Middle East, 1914-18’
Tuesday 7 March
Professor Sir Simon Wessely, Regius Professor of Psychiatry, King’s College London: ‘100 Years of Shell Shock: Gone but not Forgotten’
Tuesday 14 March
Professor Adrian Gregory, University of Oxford: ‘A Religious War?’
Tuesday 21 March
Professor David Stevenson, London School of Economics and Political Science: ‘1917 Revisited’
Lectures will run 5.30 – 7 pm, in the Arts Building Lecture Theatre 1 (first floor) (Edgbaston Campus, Red Zone R16).
All welcome, free admission.
Please contact Jonathan Boff on with any queries.