On This Day
On This Day, 4 January 1917
On 04, Jan 2017 | In On This Day | By Nicola Gauld
Birmingham Mail
Thursday 4 January 1917
Private C. Devey of the Devonshire Regiment, attempted to commit suicide this morning by cutting his throat with shoemaker’s knife. It seems Devey, who joined the Army two or three months ago, and has recently been confined in a military hospital, returned to his home at 3, Primrose Avenue, Poplar Road, Sparkhill, Birmingham, last night. While at breakfast this morning he suddenly got from the table, and said would go and fetch the baby down. Presently some neighbours were horrified seeing him standing in the bedroom window with blood streaming from wounds in his throat, and a shoemaker’s knife in his hand. The police were informed and Devey was conveyed to the General Hospital, where he was detained, his condition being serious.