On This Day
On This Day, 4 January 1917
On 04, Jan 2017 | In On This Day | By Nicola Gauld
Birmingham Mail
Thursday 4 January 1917
Over 800 children were entertained on Tuesday to tea at the Selly Oak Institute under auspices of the Selly Oak and Bournbrook Poor Children’s Christmas Tree movement. The committee gave special consideration to the claims of soldiers’ and sailors’ orphans, the children widows, and similar deserving cases. By the kind invitation of Mr. James, the children and a party of wounded soldiers from Beeches Convalescent Hospital, Bournville, were entertained at the Bournbrook Picture House, tea being subsequently served the Selly Oak Institute. The committee and all concerned worked hard to make the scheme a success, and a special vote of thanks was accorded the “Mail” and others who had helped forward the undertaking.