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On This Day



In On This Day

By Nicola Gauld

On This Day, 8 January 1917

On 08, Jan 2017 | In On This Day | By Nicola Gauld

Birmingham Mail

Monday 8 January 1917


To-day the Lord Mayor Birmingham (Alderman Brooks) accepted on behalf of the city a motor ambulance car, for use at the Voluntary Aid Detachment hospital, from the Showmen’s Guild of Great Britain. Mr. W. Savage formally presented the vehicle, which was inspected at the Council House by his lordship, on behalf of Mr Pat Collins, the president of the Showman’s Guild. He stated that the special vocation of the members of the Showman’s Guild was to provide a healthy form of amusement for the public, and to-day they had become almost indispensable their everyday life. In recognition of the support accorded to the community of showmen they desired in practical way to support the national cause. Many of their sons and employees were engaged in fighting the enemy. The Lord Mayor thanked the showmen for their generosity and public spirit. The city would much appreciate their gift, which would be found most useful in hospital administration. The Showman’s Guild had made similar patriotic gift to Manchester, Leeds, Walsall, Hull, and Liverpool. It was matter for great satisfaction, his lordship added, that persons in all walks of life were co-operating in furthering the national cause. Dr. Nelson, to whose custody the car was then transferred, stated that the showmen would have the gratitude of our wounded soldiers.