On This Day
On This Day, 8 January 1917
On 08, Jan 2017 | In On This Day | By Nicola Gauld
Birmingham Daily Post
Monday 8 January 1917
Upwards 300 children of the sergeants of Birmingham Territorial Battalions were entertained to a Christmas party at the Thorp Street Drill Hall on Saturday. Prior to the war it was customary to have a gathering for the children of sergeants of the 5th and 6th Battalions of the Royal Warwickshire Regiment, but for the past two years the function has been organised by the Non-commissioned Officers’ Association of the old 1st Volunteer Battalion regiment. The Thorp Street Drill Hall in the ordinary way is a cheerless building, but effort was made enliven its appearance by decoration with flags, whilst the ample accommodation which it provides enabled the youngsters to enjoy themselves without restraint. In addition to the children about a hundred mothers were invited. During tea selections were played by the band of the 1st Southern General Hospital (T.F.), Dudley Road section. Subsequently further items were given, in addition to a Punch and Judy exhibition, a conjuring performance, and concertina selections. Amongst those who visited party during the afternoon were Colonel Sir William Bowater and Colonel and Mrs Martineau. At the conclusion there was a distribution of useful gifts to the elder children and various toys and sweets, by “Father Christmas” in the person of Mr. A. H. Edge.