On This Day
On This Day, 12 January 1917
On 12, Jan 2017 | In On This Day | By Nicola Gauld
Birmingham Daily Post
Friday 12 January 1917
Among the names mentioned in Sir Douglas Haig’s despatch appears that of Temporary Lieutenant Gordon S. Marston, Royal Engineers, formerly of Birmingham, and nephew of Mr. C. F, Marston, of Sutton Coldfield, with whom he resided for short time when training for his profession as an electrical engineer. He afterwards removed to Stafford, where he had secured an appointment with Siemens Ltd. On the declaration of war he enlisted at Stafford in the Royal Engineers, afterwards obtaining a commission as second lieutenant. He proceeded the front, and was wounded in the arm while engaged preparing advance trenches for the attack on the Hohenzollern Redoubt. While invalided home he was promoted to first lieutenant, and returned to the front in the autumn of 1915. He has recently been gazetted as temporary captain.