Event: Remembering the WW1 Home Front in the Midlands
On 14, Jan 2017 | In Events | By Nicola Gauld
Remembering the WWI Home Front in the Midlands
Saturday 11 March, 2017
Museum of Carpet, Stour Vale Mill, Green Street, Kidderminster DY10 1AZ
A conference organized by the Women’s History Network, Midlands Region and the Voices of War and Peace WWI Engagement Centre
The First World War was a conflict which was not only fought in the battle-torn lands, skies or seas of Flanders, Serbia, Egypt, Italy or Turkey, but also in the factories, kitchens and fields on the home front. When the servicemen went to war other men, women and children were left behind to worry, wait and work in their homes, towns and villages. Bombing, labour crisis, government restrictions and food shortages meant homes were not immune from danger and disruption. This conference seeks to explore how First World War was experienced in industry, mining, agriculture, shops, pubs and homes of the Midlands.
If you would like to present a paper or an exhibition about the Midlands Home Front at the Conference, please provide either a 300 words abstract for a proposed paper or the title and space requirements for an exhibition by 30 January 2017 via email to Prof Maggie Andrews: