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On This Day



In On This Day

By Nicola Gauld

On This Day, 3 February 1917

On 03, Feb 2017 | In On This Day | By Nicola Gauld

Birmingham Daily Gazette

Saturday 3 February 1917



In an appeal issued by the Birmingham and District Allotments and Small Holdings Association, Limited, signed by the chairman and secretary, funds are asked for to help in the work of developing the allotment movement.

The appeal states that in Birmingham there is a very large demand for garden produce, and any shortage of vegetables will be a serious matter. Such good work is being done to secure a greater output. The Association is helping to secure land for scores of appointments. The East Birmingham allotment Holders’ Association have arranged for a lecture to be given next Monday at the Pelham Hotel, Alum Rock-road, by Mr. Sidney Withamson, of London. Mr H. Lee, the chairman, who has had an interview with Mr. Morter, the Parks Superintendent, and Councillor Bailey Cox, upon the question of rents, pots of ground, purchase of seed, seed potatoes, etc., writes that there is every indication that their efforts to increase food production will meet with success, and advises those wanting war plots to sent their names and addresses to Mr. Morter as soon as possible.