On This Day
On This Day, 5 February 1917
On 05, Feb 2017 | In On This Day | By Nicola Gauld
Birmingham Mail
Monday 5 February 1917
The ceremony of swearing-in the members of Birmingham’s new force of special constables was commenced to-day at the Victoria Courts, and will be continued to-morrow and Wednesday. The men were taken in batches of 50 at a time, and having been sworn in, were handed their cards of warrant. Messrs. Arnold Butler and A. F. Keep were the magistrates who attended in the earlier part the day for the purpose of receiving the oaths of the new specials, and expressed on behalf of the city appreciation of the patriotism that was being shown by the men who were taking up work which undoubtedly entailed a great deal of arduous service. Mr. J. E. Hill, the Head Special Constable, who was present in court when each batch of men took the oath, said he hoped to have the full equipment ready for each man in the course of a few days. He had desired to have it there to-day, but, as they knew, it matter of considerable difficulty to secure equipment for 3,000 men in these times, owing to shortage of labour. Notice would be sent to all of them when to attend to receive their equipment. He knew they would do their duty, and he trusted that before their labours were ended the city would be proud of the services they had undertaken.
Fifty members of the Birmingham police force, who are shortly to be released for military service, underwent medical examination to-day at the James Watt Street military depot. Three weeks ago a similar number of men was passed for general service.