On This Day
On This Day, 6 February 1917
On 06, Feb 2017 | In On This Day | By Nicola Gauld
Birmingham Daily Post
Tuesday 6 February 1917
Shortly before ten o’clock yesterday morning a boiler exploded on the premises of Messrs, Dobson and Crowther, Ltd., paper bag manufacturers, Aston Road North, resulting in injuries to several work girls. The boiler was a high-pressure one and was used for heating part of the premises. The frost, it is believed, cause the explosion, and although the damage occasioned to the building was slight, a number of girls who were at work in the boiler room and others who were in the yard, were injured. First aid was rendered by the matron of the works, but it was found necessary to take eight of the girls to the General Hospital. Six of them-Annie Jasper (13), Ivy Thompson (14), Daisy Turner (14), Louisa Hanson (14), Ada Cobden (16), and Doris Clarke (15)-were only suffering from sight burns, and after their injuries had been attended to they were allowed to go home. The other two-Hilda Golder (16), Newton Road Great Barr; and Maud Glew (22), 97, Cock Street, Nechells- were more seriously burned, especially on the head and face, and they were detained in the institution. When the explosion occurred the Fire Brigade were summoned, but their services were fortunately not required.