On This Day
On This Day, 12 February 1917
On 12, Feb 2017 | In On This Day | By Nicola Gauld
Birmingham Mail
Monday 12 February 1917
Sergeant-major Charles Ford Dawson, of the Canadian forces, who has been awarded the D.C.M for dragging a wounded comrade into safety while he himself was wounded, is a Birmingham man, who went to Victoria, B.C., ten years ago. When war broke out he volunteered, and came over with the second expeditionary force. He was wounded on June 3, and has now returned to Canada to undertake other work. He is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Dawson, Crabtree Road, Brookfields, and educated at Brookfields Council Schools under Mr. Smallwood. A brother is with the army in Salonica.
Private Payne, of Hurst Green, Black Heath. Worces. Regt., has been awarded the Military Medal for gallantly rescuing several of his comrades.