On This Day
On This Day, 16 February 1917
On 16, Feb 2017 | In On This Day | By Nicola Gauld
Birmingham Mail
Friday 16 February 1917
A fire, which at one point threatened to develop alarming proportions, broke out last night at the shop of Merrick and Heath, drysalters, Cape Hill, Smethwick. The Borough and Cape Hill Brigades were quickly in attendance, but were greatly handicapped by an insufficient water supply. Owing to the frost and the recent wastage of water the company has for some time cut off the supply every evening. It happened that Mr. Davis, the local official of the company was passing the shop at the time of the outbreak, and knowing the circumstances he went to the turncock, and the water was turned on at the main.
In the interval, however, the flames had got a good hold on the building, and were spreading to adjoining properties. At the rear of the shop was a warehouse store with oil, and as the flames reached this building and caught the barrels of oil the flames shot high into the sky, creating a wonderful scene, which attracted thousands of spectators. The crowd was also largely increased by the fact that the tram service was interrupted, the pipes having to be laid across the road near Windmill Lane, which is an important tram junction.
When the firemen were able to obtain a full supply of water they attacked the flames from various points and soon succeeded in getting them under, but by this time the shop in which the fire occurred and the warehouse were completely gutted, as was also an adjoining shop, while others were badly damaged. The total loss is serious.
A number of special constables on duty under Superintendent Campbell rendered excellent service in dealing with the crowds.