On This Day
On This Day, 23 August 1917
On 23, Aug 2017 | In On This Day | By Nicola Gauld
Birmingham Mail
Thursday 23 August 1917
The Solihull Corps of the 2nd Warwickshire Volunteer Regiment, under the command of Lieut. Maurice Davis, who raised the corps, together with the detachment from Knowle, under the command of Sergt. Smith, were inspected in the grounds of “Berry Hall” last evening by Colonel D. F. Lewis, O. B., who was accompanied by Lieut-Colonel H. D’Arch Smith, Lord Leigh, D. L, Major Glover, Captain Johnson and Lieut. Stranger Jones. The company, under the command of Lieut. Maurice Davis, gave a demonstration of bombing practice, physical drill, bayonet fighting, and on open attack. Colonel Lewis, C.B., who congratulated the men upon their work, hoped that the next time he had the pleasure of inspecting them that they would be in uniform. Lord Leigh afterwards inspected the motor section under the command of Mr. A. E. Riley.