On This Day
On This Day, 6 July 1918
On 06, Jul 2018 | In On This Day | By Nicola Gauld
Evening Despatch
Saturday 6 July 1918
The magnificent work of the Y.M.C.A. among branches of the services at the front is in itself a sufficient guarantee of the success of any appeal on its behalf, and to-day’s hut day in Birmingham holds out every promise of a very gratifying result. In spite of the ravages of the influenza epidemic, 2,000 collectors took part in the Flag day effort in the city organised from 50 depots, and they met with a liberal response.
The local organisers in connection with the Y.M.C.A. have been busy throughout the week, having held no less than 79 workshop meetings, and they have found the women workers particularly enthusiastic in the support of the appeal. Altogether about £150,000 are required to make good the loss sustained in the recent German offensive, which included two huts given by Birmingham and one by Smethwick. The directors and employees of the King’s Norton Metal Company have undertaken o meet the cost, £1,500, of establishing and equipping a hut in one of the fighting areas, and the directors of the B.S.A. and Daimler Companies have promised £1,000 for the provision of another which it is hoped will be equipped by contributions from the employees. Other firms and their employees. Other firms and their employees are responding with equal generosity.
As a result of to-day’s collection, it is anticipated that between £1,700 and £1,800 will be realised.