On This Day
On This Day, 7 August 1918
On 07, Aug 2018 | In On This Day | By Nicola Gauld
Birmingham Mail
Wednesday 7 August 1918
Sir, —May I be allowed to point out to the parents of children that there is an enormous amount of destruction being caused by school children damaging crops on allotments in the neighbourhood Saltley, Washwood Heath, Alum Rock, and Ward End districts? I have received 57 complaints since February 2 this year, but since last Friday more damage is being done than ever owing to the fact that the children are away from school.
Eleven boys have been caught since Friday damaging crops, and I am empowered by our general council to prosecute the offenders. It is well known that allotment-holders have worked hard to cultivate their plots to tide over these hard times, and just when they are about to reap the benefits of their labour this wanton damage takes place.
I appeal to all parents of children to tell them they must not touch any vegetables or flowers, and, furthermore, I appeal to all allotment holders and the public, when they see children trespassing on allotments, to question them. We know full well that children in many cases do not understand the position, and when they are fined their parents have to suffer. Probably the birch may be of better use and a future lesson.
—Yours, etc., H. Lee.
General Secretary East Birmingham Allotment Holders’ Association. 19, Sladefield Road, Ward End.