On This Day
On This Day, 7 November 1918
On 07, Nov 2018 | In On This Day | By Nicola Gauld
Evening Despatch
Thursday 7 November 1918
A statement issued by the Ministry of Pensions draws the attention of wives and dependants of men serving in His Majesty’s forces to their right to claim additional allowances under the regulations of the Special Grants Committee of the Ministry of Pensions.
Allowances and grants are made through the Local War Pensions Committees to whom all applications should be addressed. The address of the Local War Pensions Committee can be obtained at the nearest Post Office. Applications should not be made direct to the Minister of Pensions as this will involve delay.
The increases date from 1 November. The first payment will be made in a lump sum about 15 December, and the subsequent payments in two lump sums up to March. After this date, the payments will be made weekly.
The following are some of the most important provisions contained in the regulations:-
- A childless wife who is unable for any reason to earn is entitled to an allowance of 6s. 6d. a week.
- A wife is eligible for an allowance towards rent, insurance premiums, hire purchase payments, and other contractual obligations undertaken by her husband before his enlistment, if the total amount of these obligations does not exceed 12s. a week. It is necessary for her to show that her separation allowance and other income is not sufficient to make good the loss caused by her husband’s enlistment after allowing for the saving due to his absence. If the husband enlisted before 1 January 1918, the Local War Pensions Committee will take into consideration the wages would have been earning at that date. If the total of the contractual obligations exceeds 12s. a week, application must be made to the Military Service (Civil liabilities) Committee.
- If a child over 14 is at school or is an apprentice earning only nominal wages an allowance can be given to bring the separation allowance up to the amount which would be paid if the child were under 14.
- If a wife or her children are seriously ill grants may be given to assist in meeting the expenses of the illness.
- Maternity grants up to £2 are payable to a wife who is not herself insured under the National Health Insurance Act.
- Funeral grants may be given not exceeding £5 for an adult and £2 10s. for a child.
- Advances of separation allowance may be obtained if there is delay in the issue of the allowance.
Sickness grants, funeral grants, and recoverable advances may be paid to dependants as in the case of wives.
- A supplementary allowance may be given in respect of contractual obligations not exceeding 12s. a week if the maximum amount of separation allowance is being paid and this is less than the dependence on the man before enlistment.
- If the separation allowance is less than the maximum for the number of dependants concerned, and the breadwinner has died or become incapacitated since the enlistment of the man, a supplementary allowance may be granted.
- A special allowance may be given to the dependent parent of a man who enlisted under the age of 23 before he was earning the full average wage payable in his trade or occupation, if it is necessary for the due upkeep of the home.
- Allowances may be granted to one-half of the dependence, to meet the loss due to the increased cost of living if the dependant is unable to earn. The actual amount of the allowance depends on the date of enlistment.