On This Day
On This Day, 16 November 1918
On 16, Nov 2018 | In On This Day | By Nicola Gauld
Birmingham Daily Post
Saturday 16 November 1918
A list of fifteen awards of the Victoria Cross was published as a supplement to last night’s “London Gazette.” The officers and non-commissioned officers and men honoured include Lance-corporal Wilcox, a Birmingham man, attached to the Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry, and he receives the V.C. for most conspicuous bravery and initiative in attack when his company was held up heavy and persistent machine-gun fire.” The “Gazette” record of the awards is as follows:–
No. 285242 L./Cpl. Alfred Wilcox, Oxf. And Bucks L.L. (Birmingham).
For most conspicuous bravery and initiative in attack when his company was held up by heavy and persistent machine-gun fire at close range. On his own initiative, with four men he rushed ahead to the nearest enemy gun, bombed it, killed the gunner, and put the gun out of action. Being then attacked by an enemy bombing party, Corporal Wilcox picked up enemy bombs and led his party against the next gun, finally capturing and destroying it. Although left with only one man, he continued bombing and captured a third gun. He again bombed up the trench, captured a fourth gun, and then rejoined his platoon. Corporal Wilcox displayed in this series successful individual enterprises exceptional valour, judgment, and initiative.
For more information about VC recipients from Birmingham please visit: https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/birmingham-prepares-pay-tribute-great-9309630