On This Day
On This Day, 30 November 1918
On 30, Nov 2018 | In On This Day | By Nicola Gauld
Birmingham Daily Post
Saturday 30 November 1918
The Birmingham Business School, which was established some months ago, under the Ministry of Labour Appointments Department, will terminate its third session in the week before Christmas. Over 200 officers have passed through the course, and positions, temporarily or otherwise, according to requirements, have been for approximately 90%. The school has met with such success that a similar school is started in London, and others will in due course be opened in different parts of the country. In view of the announcement recently made that Civil Service appointments will be open to ex-officers only for a certain period by examination, it is intended to alter one or more of the courses to meet the requirements of this examination. Officers wishing to attend these schools should apply for the Birmingham course to Colonel Ward, or Mr. Graham Squiers, at 41, Church Street, Birmingham; and for the London course to the Director, No. District, 99, Queensgate, South Kensington. London, S.W. 7. Serving officers taking the course receive their pay and allowances, and course is also open to discharged officers.