On This Day
On This Day, 6 December 1918
On 06, Dec 2018 | In On This Day | By Nicola Gauld
Birmingham Mail
Friday 6 December 1918
At Birmingham Assizes, to-day, before the Commissioner (Mr. Hugo Young. K.C.), Howard Deakin (18), millwright, was indicted for setting fire to a munitions factory, with intent to injure,on October 4, 1918. Accused pleaded not guilty.
Mr. Norman Birkett, prosecuting, said the accused was employed by the Lanchester Motor Company, a firm engaged in the manufacture of munitions. There were two counts against Deakin, one of setting fire to the building, and another of setting fire to goods in the building. There were three separate fires at the works in Montgomery Street, and Deakin was alleged to be the author of them. The sites chosen for the fires, said the counsel, were remarkably well placed, and in the opinion of the Chief Officer of the Fire Brigade were designed for the complete destruction of the factory. It was an extraordinary occurrence that three fires should accidentally break out at any place on the same evening, especially in view of a conversation which accused had six days before the fires with an old fireman in the employ of the firm. Accused asked Fisher how he would deal with one fire, and two fires, and when asked Fisher about how he would deal with three fires he was told he “must be mad and had better go away”. Accused replied, “You may know how to get fires out, but I know how to light them.”
Detective-superintendent Burnett said that when charged prisoner replied, “No, sir.” After that prisoner said: “I am in this place for nothing. I don’t know anything about what you have read out just now.”
Cross-examined by Mr. J. G. Hurst, witness said the accused made a statement to him, and witness wrote it down. Prisoner was in a very excited condition; there was something the matter with him, and he fainted afterwards.