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On This Day



In On This Day

By Nicola Gauld

On This Day, 13 December 1918

On 13, Dec 2018 | In On This Day | By Nicola Gauld

Evening Despatch 

Friday 13 December 1918


[To the Editor of the Evening Despatch]

Sir, —In your election notes in last night’s issue I was amazed to see the suggestion that where a man and his wife thought differently they should abstain from voting.

Such a course of action would be particularly ridiculous, as so many of the contests are three-cornered ones, and by abstaining from voting all the candidates would be given an equal chance.

If married couples all think alike the woman’s vote on its present basis is futile, as it becomes a mere duplication of the man’s vote. A friend of mine, an ardent Free Trader, has in the past had the mertification of knowing that her husband voted to put a tax on their children’s bread, and now that she is enfranchised why should she be denied the pleasure of recording vote for Free Trade?

Her husband will vote against her, but as they never quarrelled on the subject in the past, when the power of expression was unequal, surely they will be able to agree now that each has an equal voice in the government of the country.

The vote is given to men and women that they may voice their opinions as citizens. It is the duty of everyone to do so.—Yours, etc., EVE. Birmingham.