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On This Day



In On This Day

By Nicola Gauld

On This Day, 23 December 1918

On 23, Dec 2018 | In On This Day | By Nicola Gauld

Birmingham Daily Post 

Monday 23 December 1918


A good deal of public interest was manifested on Saturday in five German field guns, which were placed on view in Victoria Square, Birmingham. They were captured by the Second Canadian Division in August last, and later on will be sent to Canada. The guns are of a slightly heavier calibre than those previously seen in Birmingham. They afford an excellent example of enemy camouflage painting. The screen of one gun is coloured to represent a stone wall. The trophies were received by the officer in charge of the Territorial Depot, Thorp Street, who states that five additional guns are expected shortly. These will be displayed singly in the five parks.