On This Day
On This Day, 2 May 1916
On 02, May 2016 | In On This Day | By Nicola Gauld
Birmingham Daily Post
Tuesday 2 May 1916
Owing to the war there were few May Day celebrations in Birmingham. The organised procession of horses and vehicles was abandoned. The service at the roof ward of the Queen’s Hospital was held as usual, and there was a large gathering of patients, staff, and servants. The ward was beautifully decorated, and the Union Jack and St. George’s flat were displayed. The service was conducted by the Rev. G. H. Moore, chaplain of the hospital, and the address was given by the Rev. James Henry, vicar of St. Bartholomew’s, Birmingham. A small orchestra band formed by the resident medical officers of the hospital led the musical portion of the service, and amongst the appropriate hymns sung was the Queen’s Hospital hymn for the wounded and sick.
The service in connection with the Young Leaguers’ Union was held at Somerset Road Wesleyan Church. Special music was rendered by the choir. The service was conduction by the Revs. W. F. Howard and Benjamin Lowe. The collection taken up by girl collectors was for the National Children’s Home, where 2,400 children are sheltered and cared for, while the gift of fruit and flowers were sent to the Birmingham military hospitals.