On This Day
On This Day, 11 July 1918
On 11, Jul 2018 | In On This Day | By Nicola Gauld
Birmingham Daily Post
Thursday 11 July 1918
At a meeting of the Pershore Rural District Council, Dr. G. H. Fosbroke referred to the bad frozen meat, quite unfit for human food, which had consigned to Pershore from Birmingham.
The Sanitary Inspector said on June 21 and 22 he seized the condemned 1,132 3/4lb., and on the previous Saturday 636lb.
Dr. Fosbroke said the meat had been in storage since 1914.
Mr. J. W. Dee said meat not fit for a dog was supplied to people who were producing plenty of good meat. It was disgraceful to send stuff out which was only fit to bury.
It was decided to send a strong protest to the authorities.