On This Day
On This Day, 24 July 1918
On 24, Jul 2018 | In On This Day | By Nicola Gauld
Birmingham Daily Gazette
Wednesday 24 July 1918
An agreement has been concluded between the trustees of the Sir Josiah Mason Orphanage, Erdington, and the Birmingham Citizens’ Committee for the admission of war orphans at the orphanage up to a maximum of 150. An announcement to thus effect was made by the Bailiff (Mrs. E. P. Beale) at the prize distribution and exhibition of school work held yesterday. The Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress were present, and the Lord Mayor gave an address to the children and distributed the prizes.
The headmaster (Mr. H. D. Cleave) reported that in the recent College of Preceptors senior examination three candidates were submitted; two were placed in the honours division and one in the pass division. They had six candidates in the junior examination, and four were placed in the honours division and two in the pass division.