On This Day
On This Day, 25 June 1918
On 25, Jun 2018 | In On This Day | By Nicola Gauld
Birmingham Mail
Tuesday 25 June 1918
The Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps is greatly in need of members—there are vacancies for over 30,000—and the Lord Mayor of Birmingham (Sir David Brooks) has received communication from the General commending the Southern Command asking for the co-operation of the city. The latter points out the urgent need for more women to take up positions in home and foreign services, in order that a number of soldiers may be released from their present employment in the Army to undertake more active service.
The Lord Mayor presided this afternoon at a meeting at the Council House for the purpose of appointing a committee to inaugurate a recruiting campaign. It was pointed out that the women may enrol for home service in the United Kingdom or for service abroad, or for local service near their own homes. In all cases the women are well looked after, comfortably housed and fed, and are under proper supervision. There is an immediate need for 10,000 cooks and waitresses, and 5,000 clerks, typists, and short-hand writers. It was decided to start a six days’ campaign Birmingham, commencing on July 11.