On This Day
On This Day, 27 June 1918
On 27, Jun 2018 | In On This Day | By Nicola Gauld
Evening Despatch
Thursday 27 June 1918
A khaki wadding took place at Edgbaston Old Church to-day, when Miss Madge Onions, head driver of the Women’s Legion at Weymouth Barracks, was married to Lieut. Alan Symes, of the Dorsetshire Regiment.
The bride, who was given away by her father, Mr. Z. Webb Onions, White Lodge, Church-road, Edgbaston, wore the uniform of her corps, while the best man was Lieut. Burt, 16th Company. R.G. A. The ceremony, which was of a quiet character, was conducted by the Bishop of Birmingham, assisted the Rev. Canon Reader Smith.