On This Day
On This Day, 26 October 1918
On 26, Oct 2018 | In On This Day | By Nicola Gauld
Birmingham Daily Post
Saturday 26 October 1918
To-morrow is Hospital Sunday, the day on which collections are made in the places of worship in the city and district in aid of the local medical charities. Last year the collection amounted to £5,749, and it is hoped this figure will be exceeded on the present occasion. An appeal signed by the Lord Mayor, the Bishop, the Roman Catholic Archbishop, and the President of the Free Church Council has been issued, in which they point out that the war has thrown a large amount of additional work upon the hospitals, whilst the cost of drugs, medical dressings, and all foodstuffs has so increased that all, of necessity, ask for further support. The number of cases treated by the charities participating in the collection during the past year was 205,588, and it is hoped that, as the needs of the hospitals are really serious, the contributions will be on an unusually liberal scale. Indeed, as this is the diamond jubilee of the foundation the collection it would seem appropriate that every effort should made to ensure a record collection.