On This Day
On This Day, 31 October 1918
On 31, Oct 2018 | In On This Day | By Nicola Gauld
Birmingham Mail
Thursday 31 October 1918
Mr. H. H. Humphries, the Birmingham Fuel Overseer, addressed the bakers of the city last night upon the situation in the coal trade. He stated that supplies of household fuel were extremely short, and that the utmost economy by all classes was essential. If such economy were not exercised at once, there would not be coal available for large numbers of private houses. Everything depended upon the extent to which people now economised.
In an interview this morning Mr. Humphries pointed out that, in consequence of the shortage, the allocation of coal to Birmingham for household consumption had been slightly increased. It was not, however, by any means adequate, and the temporary policy adopted was to ration as equitably as possible. As last year, steps had been taken by the Lord Mayor to accumulate a reserve stock of coal to deal this winter with cases of hardship among the poor.
Representations are being made specifically to various classes of consumers to use coal sparingly. The theatre and cinema proprietors have been asked to consider the situation from the point view of coal and light consumption, and very shortly they will receive their allocations. These will, it is stated, call for the most rigid economy.