Priest Diary
The Diary of Dorothy Priest August 3
On 03, Aug 2014 | In Priest Diary | By Nicola Gauld
The Diary of Dorothy Priest
August 3rd, Bank Holiday
Daddy went to town tonight to get the latest news. Things are happening at such a rate that I can’t keep up with and understand it all. Last night came news that Germany had invaded France, this was confirmed today. Sir Edward Grey made a fine speech and explained the situation. Mr Redmond said that the Nationalist and Ulster volunteers would defend Ireland. Keir Hardy and other Socialists and Labour men spoke against war and were not heard with approval. At present our situation seems to be: We have received no ultimatum and made no promise to fight but we shall if Belgian neutrality is threatened or if France is attacked by sea on the North coast. Navy Reserves have been mobilised and the Army is being mobilised. Bills are passed in parliament without any discussion in no time. Bank Holiday is to extend for two more days and Bank rate raised to 10 per cent. I can’t write any more details tonight as it must be nearly 12 O’clock p.m. We waited till ever so late for Daddy to come home, he waited to get a 10 O’clock Mail.
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