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Priest Diary



In Priest Diary

By Nicola Gauld

The Diary of Dorothy Priest, August 5

On 05, Aug 2014 | In Priest Diary | By Nicola Gauld

The Diary of Dorothy Priest

August 5th

War is declared and by us.  It’s no good my trying to keep an account of the great events; there are too many and I haven’t much time to write.  This morning I saw the Cotteridge company of Territorials march to the field by Dr Jordan’s and drill and then go back.  They went by the 2.16 [this must be a train] from Kings Norton (1.55 from town).  We saw them from our windows.  Everybody’s horses and wagons are being taken for the war.  Some are at Portsmouth, Avonmouth etc; they were only taken early this morning.  People seem very serious, no one seems to have “war fever”.  Calling out the Reserves has made a great difference to the Country; postman, police, fireman and lots of others have left their work.  At K.N. [King’s Norton] seven out of thirteen postmen have gone, those who are left have a hard time.  The postman didn’t get here until about 8.30 this morning and he looked dead beat.  I must get up very early in the morning to see Daddy off as he is going off early, and to get news.  Pat [Dorothy’s sister, a VAD nurse] and I were awake last night until after 12 o’clock and we heard distant shouts about 11.45, evidently when the Declaration of War was made public.  We also heard bugles about the same time and Pat heard people shouting along the road. 


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