Exhibition: Letters Home
On 15, May 2014 | No Comments | In | By Nicola Gauld
Wolverhampton City Archives and Bantock House Museum are working together to create exhibitions that explore different elements of letters written during the First World War. At Bantock House, Letters Home sees letters displayed alongside objects selected from Wolverhampton’s collection and relevant items loaned from local collectors. The exhibition at the Archives will feature a rare white feather letter, sent to architect William Weller after he was excused from military service. This aspect of the exhibition will look at conscientious objectors and the reactions of local people to the tribunals. Thoughts and memories of everyday life back home were recorded in letters sent to mothers, wives and sweethearts by young soldiers far away. These poignant words are contextualised and brought to life, presented next to objects that are symbolic of their thoughts and hopes.
Bantock House: 14 August – 2 November 2014
Wolverhampton City Archives: 14 August – 30 November 2014
First World War Exhibitions and Events at Birmingham Museums
On 12, Feb 2014 | In Events, Exhibitions | By Voices
Birmingham Museums presents a series of enlightening and educational exhibitions and events to commemorate the First World War. Discover the integral role the people of Birmingham played in the war efforts and the immense breadth of involvement from diverse community groups in the city.